Thursday, January 8, 2009

"I Know"

Lord I don't know what I'm doin'
in this life I've been livin',
I just know You've got the plan,
and You care about the world
You know my heart, and I'm Yours,
I'm Daddy’s little girl.
I know You love me more
than I will ever comprehend,
and I know You'll use me even when
I've messed up and I've sinned,
I know You care about my heart,
and not just appearance,
I know that it's not all about my actions,
but my loving obedience.
I know that You've got a message
that all the earth should know,
that You sent Your Son to die for sins
because You loved us so.
I know Lord that You call us,
and that You give us a choice.
I know that You strengthen believers
and give to us our voice.
I know You are my strength,
my song, my joy, and my defender,
But I can't begin to know why
You'd choose me love me: a sinner.
I know Your Word is the only word
in which I put all my trust,
and I know You are honest,
loving, trustworthy, and just.
I know that You're in control
and You do not wish that any should parish,
so You sent Your Son,
but the sins of the world are so great
and no one seeks after You,
no not even one.
But there's a lot that I don't know,
God, and sometimes it is hard.
I don't know what to do,
and sometimes I don't know where to start.
I know You've said You'll never leave,
but sometimes I forget,
When I think I'm all by myself
I do things I later regret.
God, I know it's not about the grades,
the clothes, the works,
But God, so often I forget
and my focus is on the looks.
I know You seek the humble,
the untalented, the shy, the meek,
but why do I struggle with comparing myself
and forget just what You seek?
I know that Your power is so vast,
beyond this universe,
but I am still surprised at each tiny glimpse
Your Word says that
You'll use the lowly to shame the bold,
then why am I still waiting for the confidence untold?
Why is it that I know so much,
but my life does not reflect it,
When I see people caught in sin,
so often I reject them.
God I know that You're the Potter,
You mold me, make me new.
Then why is it that I seek to improve upon myself
beyond what You plan to do?
Why is it that the more I know,
the less I come to depend,
When what I'm learning reminds me,
that You're all that matters in the end.
Why is it that it takes so much to drive me to my knees?
When I'd be on them all the time if your power I really tried to see
Lord, the more I come to know, the more I truly see.
That You're the one who understands,
You're the only one to seek.
God, why do I keep catching myself taking all of the glory,
when in the end I will see how You wrote and molded my story.
Daddy, why is it that the more I know, the less I cry out to You?
when I'm learning more each day,
that sometimes that what's best to do!
Daddy, I hate that knowledge could puff me up with pride,
when all I've really come to know is that You're the one to provide.
The older I get, the more I see,
how you are changing and molding me.
And the dumber I am, the more I see
how You're using the bad to help me see.
I need you FATHER, and nothing else matters,
You're greater Lord then all.
You teach me and train me and allow me to struggle
and pick me up when I fall.
I love you Lord, and I know, no matter where I go,
no matter what I do,
As my Heavenly Father, Lord, You're there to see me through!
And I'm realizing that it's not about me, but Daddy it's all about You.
Everywhere I look, I see your glory, and in my life I see your grace,
I see my mistakes and I turn from them and seek your face.
I say "why me?"
but You see the bigger picture
and You call me from the disgrace I see,
You teach me to say "Lord here I am, Father, please send me."

(copyright Evelyn Worthington)
(written 12/1/2008)

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