Saturday, February 20, 2010

"His Love Means Everything"

Who can know love? Who can understand it?
Who can tame it? And who can claim it?
Love is a confusing thing.
Are you sure you really know what it is?
Is it only a want to be near someone?
Or is it more?
Could it be that we don’t really know?
Maybe it’s some lost art form?
Could it be as simple as a feeling or a thought?
Could it be more? Could it be less?
Could it be nothing? Or could it be everything?
Is love found in a kiss? Or maybe in a promise?
Is it found in your love notes? Or maybe in your whispers?
Is love found in secret? Or is it something different entirely?
I don’t know I’ll ever know your kind of love. I don’t think it’s for me.
You see, I’ve had a taste of a different flavor, and I can’t be cured!
I’m hooked, no turning back, no way out, it’s all there is for me!
My God loved me more than you can whisper, kiss, or promise,
My God bled and died, to buy me eternal life!
My God whispered His love, when He said,
“Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
He loved me more than anyone else could ever get close.
He loved me more than, you or I will ever know!
My God took me in and cleaned me up,
My life was a wreck, and He saved me!
I didn’t earn His love. I couldn’t win a beauty contest for it.
I couldn’t earn it with the right look or the right walk.
He earned my affections on the cross.
Now I’m lost in His love. Eternally I am His.
Your love means nothing to me,
His love means EVERYTHING.

(written at 3:16 am February 20, 2010)
(copyright Evelyn Worthington)

"My Amazing God"

God, you hear me when I pray. You count my tears. You’re close to the brokenhearted.
You are a father to the father-less. You are the strength for the weak.
You are from everlasting to everlasting, You are my God!
You’re Jehovah Jireh, my provider. You dined with sinners and healed the sick.
You showed compassion on the crowds, you fed the five-thousand.
You cared for the woman at the well, you save sinners from the gates of hell.
You died and paid the price, to cover all my sin. You’re amazing, you’re wonderful.
You’re all I need, you’re all I want, you’re more that I can understand.
I am nothing, but you love me still. You made me in your image.
But you remember that I was dust. My days are like the grass, short and sweet my life will be.
You have planned and put in place all of eternity.
You are a mighty king, and a loving father, a mighty God, and a humble servant.
Who can understand you? Yet you know every fiber of my being.
You made my every part, you’ve numbered the hairs on my head.
It shouldn’t matter to you, but it does! God, you are indescribable!
You have loved the sinner and the saint, the Jew and Greek, slave and free,
You have made a way for all mankind to have eternal life through you!
How can this be? But I know that it’s true! How do I know?
Because I know you! I love you God! But you love me a billion times more.
I can’t comprehend what you have in store.
All I know, God, is that you are good.
That’s all I know, and all I should.

(written at 3:07 am February 2010)
(copyright Evelyn Worthington)

"Don't Wait"

He has loved you with an everlasting love; He has paid the highest price,
But still you turn away to your pleasures, your disobedience, rebellion, and lusts.
Don’t wait until it’s too late.
You hate and kill when you could have all that you need and more.
But you want gratified instantly, you can’t wait for what’s in store.
Don’t wait until it is too late!
You’ve scorned your Maker and disgraced Him to His face,
You’ve spat upon the One who offered you amazing grace.
Don’t wait! I beg of you, don’t wait!
Don’t wait ‘til it’s too late!
Today could be your day! Don’t wait ‘til it’s too late!
God is not mocked, beware your fate!
Life is short, but eternity is forever. When Christ came, He died
So that you could be born again, die to the flesh, and born to new life.
Can’t you hear me? I’m calling in the streets! The hour is soon!
Can’t you hear him? God is speaking to your heart today!
Won’t you repent and pray? …before it’s too late?

(written at 12:46 am February 20,2010)
(copyright Evelyn Worthington)