Sunday, August 14, 2011

"My Heart is Taken!"

My heart is taken! Yep, by the most special man!
You'll never guess who, He's the "Great I Am",
He's the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end,
And He's the One for me, He's my forever friend.
He's got my heart, and my whole life too!
My body I give to do what only He wants me to!
I see you girls all wondering, why I don't settle down,
But you see, I'm already taken, by the man who wears the crown.
He's the King of kings and the Lord of lords, He's all I've ever needed.
I know that if I follow Him, I won't be lost where I'm leaded.
He's my strength when I am weakest; He's my joy when I am down,
He's every need I have completed; He's the reason I don't frown!
He's the one who saved my soul, and loves me though I sin.
He's the one who pulls me out of each trial I fall in.
You wonder why I'm not lonely? You wonder why I'm glad?
Because I've found the best friend, that a girl could ever have.

(Copyright by Evelyn Worthington)
(Written 3:03am August 2, 2011)

Friday, February 11, 2011

"Unconditionally Loved"

Could it be true? Is it possible? You cherish me like a princess.
I have been abandoned; I have been broken and left feeling worthless.
Could it be that I am beautiful in Your eyes?
For so many years, I have believed lies...
I am Yours. No one can take that from me!
I don't have to change for You to love me!
YOU KNOW ME and You cherish me as Your princess...
So many men, Lord, in my life have caused so much pain,
Those that should have been protecting me have hurt me over and over again.
How can it be? No one has loved me unconditionally before.
So long I have protected myself...
Too long I have believed that I don't deserve Your best.

I DON'T DESERVE YOUR LOVE! How beautiful that You love me still.
I have been tossed aside; I have been treated as worthless,
How can it be that I am Your princess?
Your grace is sufficient to sustain me day by day,
Take my hand, Daddy; guide me in Your way.

I have been broken, I have been trashed, I have been left all alone.
I don't deserve Your love, You've given me a home!
I cannot earn Your favor, and I cannot lose Your love.
How can it be? Don't You know? I've never been loved unconditionally.
In You I find refuge! In You, I can be the girl You created me to be!
I don't have to be guarded anymore; I don't have to hide in fear!
How incredibly good to know: You love me! I can cry to You!
You brush away the tears and say that I am beautiful.
This security and peace, I have not known for oh so long!
The tears flow like a river, how can it be? How can it be?
My perfect God loves me UNCONDITIONALLY!!!

(copyright written by Evelyn Worthington)
(written February 12, 2011 12:00am)