Wednesday, January 13, 2010

"Is it Worth It?"

Is it worth it to wait for the right guy?
Is it worth it to wait for the right time?
Are there still things that I need to learn?
Could it be that I'm not ready yet?
Surely God is still preparing me!
Surely there is much yet to do!
Surely God knows the plan...
but then again, is there a man?
Maybe I'll be alone, is there anything wrong with that?
God is faithful to protect me,
God is faithful to provide...
I must be faithful to follow.
Maybe I need to stop thinking a man would improve things.
Maybe I'm better off thisway!
Maybe I won't be alone.
But maybe I won't have a family this way.
But maybe, then, that that's okay.
Why should I ever ask what if?
When I follow God's plan, it will all turn out okay!
What if I'll be a mother someday!
So much more to learn, so much more to grow!
God knows, better than I, He knows.
Your ways are higher than mine, O Lord,
I may never understand!
But God my future is in your hands!
It's worth it to wait on your plan.
So I will continue to serve you,
as I continue to wait,
your timing is perfect Lord,
I know that it's never too late.

(written 4:42 am January 7, 2010)
(copyright Evelyn Worthington)

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