Sunday, May 10, 2009

"Waiting for a Godly Man"

Some girls want a hansome man, or a guy who will treat them right,
To take them where they want to go, and say nice things all night.
Some women want a muscle man, who pumps iron and can work.
A man who will take her in his arms, and protect her from the jerks.
Some girls just want any guy who will take them by the hand,
take them out and make them feel special, beautiful, and grand.
Those Christian girls, they're in the habit of waiting for just the right man.
A man who will patiently woo and go to church too, and be a faithful husband.

Now I think all those guys are just fine, I think they work really hard.
But they can have those other girls; there's no place for those guys in my heart.

I'm holding out for a godly man. Are there any still out there?
A man after God's own heart, who waits patiently and with care.
It's easy to find a guy who will say and do what you like.
And it's easy for a man to neglect the heart and work just on the outside.
I'm holding out for a man who want's God's will in his life.
Who's willing to be single, until God tells him otherwise.
A man who's not like all the others, who hunt and trap their prey,
But a man who genuinely loves God's Word, and meditates on it every day.
I'm holding out for the kind of man who will make a sacrifice.
Who will consult God with every descision, and work to become wise.
And then when I come along, he'll be so intune with God,
he'll know that I'm the one, and I won't have to do a lot.

So you won't see me strutting my stuff, or see me with lots of guys.
Because I'm holding onto God's Word, and I'm working to be wise.
I'm willing to be single, even for the rest of my life.
I want God's will and not my own, this is my sacrifice.

(copyright Evelyn Worthington)
(written 5/9/2009)


  1. And a wise decision it is :)
    I made that decision once too.
    I LOVED my alone time with God, as I referred to it. I am married now, but I think it was only in response to my willingness to be God's first!

  2. U GO EVELYN!!! I love the poem!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What a lovely poem! :D This pretty much summed up the guy I am waiting for! God Bless! :))

  5. Its sooo cute!!!!!
    I just love your poem bcuz all these feelings I got inside of me, you wrote them down and you chose the right words.
    Its just so adorable<3
    God bless you and keep seeking the kingdom of God, and u'll see what He has reserved for you.
